Posts Tagged ‘Halloween’
Happy Halloween!
Is your house the scariest looking one on the block? Is that the case before and after Halloween, too?? Contact me to learn what to do and what not to do to make your home warm and inviting to potentials buyers. Meanwhile, have a fun, safe and spooky All Hallow’s Eve!
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Some transactional clients want solutions in *potions,While others cash in before *Halloween.To those who live life distracted by *Jack-O-Lanterns,We remind you that finding a web developer is like *trick-or-treating. There are people who fight and wage war with their clientsAnd others who spend time perfecting their skills.The point is to offer the best kind of…
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It’s All Hallows’ Eve, and couples going through divorce often feel their soon-to-be ex-spouse is a pirate who seeks to pillage and plunder their livelihood.
Read MoreA Chilling Experiences Fit for Halloween
According to Realtor Magazine, “Real estate professionals are a brave bunch.” I have to admit there’s plenty of truth to that… But in the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve, the magazine thought to share a compilation of truly frightening experiences had by Realtors. Some of these are quite horrifying!
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